Create a Job Alert

Create a job alert with Plum Jobs to make sure you don’t miss out on the latest vacancy from the UK’s leading hotel, hospitality and leisure employers. Get relevant vacancies sent direct to your email inbox as soon as they go live on our website. Just complete your details below, then relax and just check your inbox for the latest jobs. Fill out the form below and find jobs in the UK hospitality industry today!

Be one of the first to apply

By signing up, you will be one of the first to hear about new roles in your chosen industry. This means you can be one of the first to apply and get your CV at the top of the pile!

We'll notify you the moment a job goes live on our website that matches your criteria. Whether you are looking for your next hotel management job or seeking temporary catering jobs, an email will let you know when a relevant role has gone live. This will save you hours of searching online on the same sites, day after day.

Multiple job profiles

Our job registration system allows you to create different alerts depending on how often you wish to hear about them. For example, perhaps you want to hear about the latest tourism marketing manager job as soon as it goes live. Simply set up a job alert with those details and that's what you'll get!

However you might also want to keep your eyes on roles in the catering sector, but only wish to hear about them once a month. No problem! Just let us know when you complete the below. Find jobs in the UK in hospitality, leisure and tourism with Plum Jobs. Sign up for an email alert to be notified immediately... form and you'll get a monthly summary of latest positions.

Upload your CV

By uploading your CV when you sign up, you can make it available for employers to view. This means recruiters come to you with jobs! If they find you a perfect match, they can get in touch and take it from there. Plum Jobs makes it easy to find jobs in the UK.

Complete the form below to configure your job alert.

Your Details

The following details will be used to create your job seeker account. All fields in this section are required unless otherwise indicated.
Password must contain 8 characters or more and contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character (for example: @ or !)
Attach CV (optional)

Search Settings

The following details identify your job alert and control how often notifications will be sent. All fields in this section are required.

Search Criteria

The following details describe the jobs that you are interested in. All fields in this section are optional.
e.g. Dublin or County Galway
