The hotel industry is an incredible industry to immerse yourself in. It offers so many chances to progress in your career. However, it can be difficult to determine how to grow. Sometimes this leaves you stuck often in the same role. You might really enjoy the role, while also wanting to progress your career. So, how do you go about moving on up?
Progression takes time and a lot of dedication, but it is always worth it. Which leads to the first piece of advice; stay motivated, love the people, and enjoy the work you do. This goes for most jobs out there, but if you want to stand out then you need to show your motivation. Try to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing. There are always going to be days that get under your skin. Show your worth by tackling tasks and demonstrating perseverance.
This also ties in with enjoying what you do, in the hotel industry you may get asked to work overtime. You don’t have to accept every time you are asked but try not to turn it down each time. Working some overtime will show your determination, and hopefully will be enjoyable if you love what you do! Plus, a wee it of extra cash at the end of the month never goes a miss!
The people make up hospitality, both in the profession and also as the consumers. So, it is important to show your enthusiasm for working with and looking after people. Try to go the extra mile when it comes to being a ‘people person’. Being good a complaint handling and de-escalation is a fantastic skill to demonstrate, as this is a skill essential to managers. Try to make the guests staying in your hotel feel like it’s a whole new experience, remember names of the familiar visitors and cater to each individual’s needs – though this doesn’t just stop at the customers. When it comes to progression, your boss will look at your people skills, along with your leadership; go the extra mile, delegate when appropriate and take part in any discussions. Showing you’re a team player and willing to help out your colleagues is a valuable asset.
Show that you’re not afraid of getting out of your comfort zone. Let people see that you’re willing to move around, pick up tasks that will expand your knowledge throughout the hotel, making it easier to become more flexible and move up in your career. There are also industry specific certificates and qualifications you can earn in the workplace which will allow you to open doors to bigger opportunities. Ask your manager about these opportunities, make sure they know that you’re interested in progressing in the business and willing to put the work in to do that.
Keep at it with hard work, determination and dedication within the industry and you’ll find many ways to go in your career.
If you’re ready for a step up and you’re not getting anywhere in your current place of work, let us help you out! Search hotel jobs now!