Working from home can be an amazing experience with the help of some solid planning. However, working from home can also be quite exhausting. Remote working means being on your feet a lot longer than you're used to. Moreover, there are many nagging health problems that come along with that.
Over time, you will want to ensure that you work around those issues. This will help you manage your time more effectively. There are some great online resources to learn about managing your time at home. If you want to learn how to do just that, keep reading!
Adjusting To Working From Home
Working from home is now commonplace - According to the Aspen Institute, there are about 150,000 global Internet users who do the bulk of their work from home. At the very least, think of the businesses you can start.
No matter where you live, there are companies that are working to build the future online workplace. Some firms are dedicated to making work life easier for employees. For example, Glassdoor says that company culture and practices at put employees at ease. So, do these companies save time and money by never offering smartphones, or develop a more human company culture to support the post-smartphone economy? For instance, what work does your company perform that could easily be done at home, saving travel time, costs, helping with childcare and overall returning a better quality of life/work balance?
How to Work From Home and Be Productive
With the success of online retail, long lines at retail outlets and intrusive in store sales tactics have become a thing of the past. It may have taken longer for the industry to get there, but you'll be able to experience some of these productivity benefits today. At Xpress Jobs, we've been using and writing about productivity in the leisure, tourism and hospitality industry for a few years. We've tried out some different work methods with our clients and we found that we're better able to stick to our vision, get things done, and spend more time enjoying our work when we've used them ourselves. And you can, too.
Here are 5 productivity methods you can start using today to really increase your productivity and time management to the next level.
- Set ground rules with the others at your home.
- Schedule breaks often and get away from your workspace when you can to exercise.
- Take breaks in their entirety – not simply snacking on breaks.
- Leave home sometimes to go outside.
- Keep a dedicated office space where you can focus without distractions.
Remote Working - the New Normal
Whether we like it or not, working from home is now the new norm – particularly post COVID-19. Just as water enters our homes through pipes, the same goes for technology. As the world grows ever more connected, so does the world of work. Even the geographic location of our work has shifted as the growing demand for communication and productivity has spilled over into more remote working. The move to work from home will likely become a more widespread trend over the next decade.
XpressJobs is a UK jobsite specialising in the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. We pride ourselves on our involvement with the community of the sector. So, to offer some aid in light of the current COVID-19 situation, we are now advertising roles out with our usual sectors. Why? Because we believe members of the hospitality industry would be well suited for them based on their transferable skills! Yes, even when working from home. So, go ahead and make use of what you've just learned!