Bars and restaurants across Europe shut their doors because of record infections
Thursday, October 15, 2020
The Dutch became the youngest European country to close its bars and restaurants and close most of the continent either partially or entirely.
Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte imposed a series of new restrictions on nightlife, social exhibitions and amateur sports, in light of the Coronavirus pandemic spreading across the government, though at a slower pace than in other major European nations.
On Tuesday, the WHO advised that in the past week there were more than 700.000 new cases of Covid-19 in Europe, bringing infection levels to their highest level since the beginning of the pandemic and a 34 per cent jump on the previous week.
Italy, the original epicenter of the epidemic in Europe, has seen a surge in new virus cases in recent weeks, as governments attempt to revitalize an economy that is projected to shrink by 9% this year.
In France, where infections have rapidly spread, Paris, Marseille and seven other major cities were placed on highest alert, and bars, gyms, and pools were shut down.
Earlier this month the Government reintroduced a requirement to wear facial disguises outdoors