How calorie counting on menus has no impact in fighting obesity
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Government rules forcing eaters to put calorie counts on menus have had no impact on Britain's weight issues, research by Solar on Sunday has found.
Our probe, entrusted to make the changes by firms the following year, found an fatal disease associated with obesity.
In Thurrock, Essex, which is rated the nation's most overweight with almost 80 per cent of its population classed as obese, businesses say it is not in their control.
Jenny Idle, head of food at Mexican restaurant chain Wahaca, said: 'We have not seen a significant change in customers' buying habits since the introduction of calorie counting.
It claims its website, Quick Meals Vitamin, claims that the latest meal includes 1.520 calories - which is three quarters of the daily calorie intake of an adult's.
Henry Dimbleby, who wrote a book on the food crisis after standing down as the government's food star, said: "I felt slightly irritated that calorie counts on menus was the measure they brought in, when it is hard work for people and not effective.
Elaine Falkowski, 63, who runs a jewellery shop in Grays and is a member of the slim-down community, said: 'I take a look at the energy on menus however I don't suppose it's made a distinction to the typical individual spherical right here.