"Nearly half of pubs still to receive lockdown top-up support grant payments" the BBPA shows
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
The findings came as the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) wrote to Rishi Sunak, advising that as a matter of urgency the Government should work "with local authorities to ensure existing discretionary grants are in businesses’ bank accounts by the end of February 2021"
The BBPA also revealed more than half of grants it introduced to help pubs through the curbs and the November closure - with £153million already spent in local government funding - have not yet been paid off.
Back in late October, the Chancellor revealed officials would hand out up to £3.000 per month in grants to firms which were forced to close as a result of the November lockdown - or had been "seriously hit."
"Months have passed by yet still thousands of pubs are waiting on the grants they have been promised," Dr Emma McClarkin, head of the BBPA, said.
It followed the announcement on January 5 that businesses could claim up to £9.000 per home under a £4.6 billion Lockdown relief programme.
McClarkin said central administration should work with local authorities to ensure the money reaches troubled companies more quickly.