New data highlights why reviving hospitality is the key to economic recovery

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Figures show hospitality will impact UK business and suggest the sector should be a hub of reopening plans

Data from the Office for National Statistics today underpinned the economic importance of the hospitality industry with demands for its support and central role in the Government's reopening plans, said UKHospitality.

Estimates for November show British GDP contracted by 2.6%, with hospitality sector in England virtually shuttered throughout the month accounting for a little over a third (0.9%) of the fall.

UKHospitality boss Kate Nicholls said: "This really hammers home how important our sector is to the economy. When we were open, albeit with restrictions, in the summer, our return to growth contributed to the economy growing. The figures highlight our power as an economic driver and show why we should be at the heart of plans to revitalise the economy.