WHO calls for ban on selling live wild animals in food markets
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Selling live wild mammal from food markets should be suspended as an emergency measure, the World Health Organisation announced.
The who have carried out a joint analysis of the new recommendations alongside the World Agency for Animal Health and the UN Environment Programme.
The said that 'traditional markets' play a central role in the provision of foods and livelihoods' around the world.
Wet markets can be found not only in China but in many Asian and African countries and even in the United States, but the roots of China's COVID-19 pandemic have increased pressure on their authorities to intensify trade in wildlife.
The most likely scenario is that the virus originated in bats, was transmitted to another unidentified animal and was then passed on to people, according to a report in March.
Noting the risk of transmitting any new infectious illness directly to people in contact with an infected animal's bodily fluid, the called for the 'additional risk' of ingesting in places where the animals are housed or that they could be contaminated with such viruses.
Calling for a ban on wildlife sales comes as one who said the global trend has become more dangerous says it must end.