Blog - January 2021

  • Springboard Virtual Awards for Excellence!

    Posted on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 by Ivan MackenzieNo comments

    Nominate yourself and other deserving businesses/ individuals for a category in The Virtual Awards for Excellence! Recognise and celebrate the hospitality superstars of 2020, who showed amazing resilience, strength and creativity, managing to shine in the darkest of times. The Virtual Awards for Excellence has new criteria and additional categories to showcase those businesses and employees who ...


    Posted on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 by Ivan MackenzieNo comments

    Tourism and Hospitality Talent Development Programme The industry is going through one of its greatest challenges in living memory. One of the ways it will recover effectively is by having great people leading their businesses and focussing on their teams. This virtual Leadership, Management and Supervisory training programme, funded by the Scottish Government, has been designed to motivate and ...

  • Looking for work? Change your mindset to have more confidence & focus!

    Posted on Monday, January 11, 2021 by PJNo comments

    There is such a competitive job market right now. If you've been looking for work for a while, with no luck, don't take it personally. You can change your mindset to have more focus and confidence. Your mind is your centre of attention, so change it to something else that is more in the forefront of your mind. Your thoughts are your foundation; if you think badly, you will continue to think ...

  • Barclays Digital Hospitality Academy - Springboard are here for you

    Posted on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 by Ivan MackenzieNo comments

    If you live in north west England and If you have recently been made redundant from a career in hospitality and would like to prepare yourself for new ventures in the industry or in other sectors, Springboard are here for you. You can apply for Springboard's free two week hospitality course starting end of January. Including online modules, 121 mentoring, interview practice and supported job ...

  • Simple Steps That Will Help Open Up Opportunities

    Posted on Monday, January 4, 2021 by PjNo comments

    Step One The first step that will help open up opportunities in your life is to write out what you want to accomplish. There is a saying "actions speak louder than words" and this is very true. Having the words on paper will make it easier to sit down and write them down. Writing them out on paper will also help you to see them as they really are. Not just words that you think. This will help you ...